Nicole”Nicky” Getz- Chris Getz’s Wife

Nicky and chris getz pic

Nicky Getz, 27, was born Nicole Johanna Korinek on September 21, 1985 and I think that she is going to be more famous than her husband, at least for a while. As you might have heard, she and Kim Dejesus, another baseball wife and good friend, are partners on the TV reality show The Amazing Race.

She graduated from Michigan State University’s Business School, and got her Masters at the University of Michigan, or, Ann Arbor. She is a Certified Public Accountant. She loves pilates, yoga and tennis, and basking in the sun. She and Kim met when their husbands were both playing in Chicago and became friends.

She and Chris have been married for little over a year. They were married on January 28, 2012. The Race was run in June of this year, and of course there was no communication between the participants and their families. During this time, Chris got sent down to the minors and David DeJesus landed on the disabled list. “Wow,” said Nicole when they got back, “you really need your ladies home.” The comment Chris made is that he was glad they made it back whole! Have you seen this pic? you are not seeing double, that is Nicky’s stunning sis Kristina!

 Nicky getz sister kristinaNicky getz sister kristina pic

Nicky describes herself as energetic, sarcastic and competitive, and said that what she was looking forward to the most was, hopefully, visiting Bali, Indonesia. Her biggest worry was her fear of airplane bathrooms, but she got over that pretty fast. Wherever the Race takes them, the experiences will be great. Here’s hoping they do well and stay in it for a long time.

You can all follow Chris Getz’ wife Nicky Getz on Twitter here.


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